• Sat. Mar 8th, 2025

Detoxify your liver effectively HEALTH


Jan 10, 2023
effectively HEALTH

The liver eliminates waste and toxins accumulated by the body. It is therefore essential to detoxify it in order to optimize its functioning, but also to prevent the appearance of many diseases. The change of season is ideal for “cleansing” the liver through a course of detox food supplements and a healthy lifestyle. Take advantage of the transitional period between winter and spring, during which the organs of elimination resume their function. Here are our Biocyte dietary supplements and tips for a successful liver detox cure.


The organs dedicated to elimination, namely the liver, the intestine, the kidneys, the skin and the lungs, are at rest during the winter. As part of a change of season such as after a hearty meal, it is good to carry out a detoxification of the liver. The detox cure of the liver is essential because, like any filter, this organ can be “clogged” by the accumulation of toxins. It then loses its effectiveness. The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body, with its mass accounting for 2% of an adult’s weight. The liver plays many vital roles, such as storing nutrients provided by food and transforming them into complex molecules that can be assimilated by the body. For example, the liver transforms carbohydrates into glycogen and then fatty acids into triglycerides. In addition, the liver produces bile, a liquid essential for digestion. It also metabolizes alcohol as well as all the waste accumulated by the body brought by drugs, food, etc.

Thereby, the liver plays an important role in detoxifying the body. It is therefore essential to clean it because saturation with toxins can seriously damage it and give rise to diseases such as hepatic insufficiency, cirrhosis, steatosis, etc., the symptoms of which appear a little late. In the case of gallstones, for example, the subject experiences some discomfort only when the liver loses 60% of its capacity. The weakening of the liver is manifested by a few signs such as unusual fatigue, nausea, deteriorating skin, etc.

It must therefore be spared, in particular with a hepatic detox cure, specific for the liver. hepatic insufficiency, cirrhosis, steatosis, etc., the symptoms of which manifest themselves somewhat late. In the case of gallstones, for example, the subject experiences some discomfort only when the liver loses 60% of its capacity. The weakening of the liver is manifested by a few signs such as unusual fatigue, nausea, deteriorating skin, etc. It must therefore be spared, in particular with a hepatic detox cure, specific for the liver. hepatic insufficiency, cirrhosis, steatosis, etc., the symptoms of which manifest themselves somewhat late. In the case of gallstones, for example, the subject experiences some discomfort only when the liver loses 60% of its capacity. The weakening of the liver is manifested by a few signs such as unusual fatigue, nausea, deteriorating skin, etc. It must therefore be spared, in particular with a hepatic detox cure, specific for the liver.


A course of detoxifying food supplements can be very useful as part of a detox diet . To eliminate toxins, food supplements rely on the draining and purifying properties of certain plants such as milk thistle. Find for example, in the range of Detox products in Longevity capsules and vials from Biocyte, the Hepato Detox food supplement which supports liver functions, improves digestion and promotes renal elimination functions. Hépato Detox combines 3 plant extracts, including Milk Thistle which protects the liver.

Milk thistle is a plant of the Asteraceae family known since antiquity for its depurative, draining and hepatic revitalizing properties. It would have virtues to relieve people with liver problems. Milk Thistle also restores cells damaged by poisoning from the bites of poisonous animals, plants and insects, and by inhaling synthetic substances from solvents or drugs. Milk Thistle contains silymarin, an active component, known for its protective action on the liver. Hepato Detox from the Longevity range

also contains artichoke and fennel extracts, two other liver-beneficial herbs. The artichoke is recognized as a powerful liver stimulant. It promotes bile secretion to facilitate digestion and to relieve or prevent digestive disorders. As for fennel, it has diuretic properties allowing it to eliminate toxins from the body by stimulating biliary and hepatic functions. It helps improve digestion and also prevents the appearance of gas.


A healthy liver is above all the result of a good diet. To detoxify the liver and adopt a healthier lifestyle, in addition to food supplements, here are the products to consume or not:

  • Reduce or even exclude the consumption of alcohol, the cause of chronic diseases such as cirrhosis;
  • Reduce the consumption of sugars, an excess of which can damage the liver and lead to fatty liver disease or “soda disease”;
  • Drink enough water or favor liquid foods such as soups during the detox cure of the liver. Indeed, good hydration promotes the elimination of waste and toxins from the body.

During the liver detox cure, also eat more fruits and vegetables which support liver functions and stimulate bile production. Opt for example for black radish, black carrot or artichoke, known for their benefits. Turmeric also promotes bile production while deeply detoxifying the liver. To recover from chronic fatigue while ensuring proper drainage of the liver, you can also take a lemon cure. This citrus fruit stimulates the bile secretion of the liver, facilitates fat burning and helps the kidneys eliminate toxins. The liver detox cure is recommended for 21 days by drinking each morning, on an empty stomach, lemon juice without sugar and mixed with a little warm water. Honey is also known to soothe liver attacks.

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